2nd Biggest Lie Told to the World is Man Landing on the Moon
On 21 July 1969, Amerikkka lied to the world and claimed Amerikkkan astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon. Amerikkka falsely claimed that this white man (Known by the Heavenly Father as Easu) stepped out of the Apollo 11 lunar module and onto the Moon's surface, in an area called the 'Sea of Tranquility".
Amerikkka falsely claims that twelve people have walked on the Moon, all of them as part of the Apollo program. Four of them are still living as of Febuary 2022. All of the crewed Apollo lunar landings took place between July 1969 and December 1972. There were six crewed U.S. landings between 1969 and 1972, and numerous uncrewed landings.
Understand that Software and Hardware Technology evolves every three months. Also understand that there are 4 Common Known Levels of Technology; Consumer, Education, Government, and Corporate whom "gives" to Government.
The point simply being is that if you can accomplish a goal yourself once, you can repeat it again more efficeintly, because you perfect yourself in repetition with error and gain experience.
It's been 40 years since the last "moon landing" in 1972, and No One other than Star Trek (whom also the world watches travel the whole galaxy) has been back to the moon. Where is the line that seperates common sense from deeply deceived.
Man doesn't even have the hardware/software technology to fight the elements of oceans to explore the ocean floors of the very planet that we live on, much less travel in space to another moon/planet against even unknown elements.
The number 1 ranking Lie told to the world is;
The people living in Jerusalem right now are not the real Israelites; they are who the Heavenly Father recognizes as Edomites (white people), living under a stolen identity and land, attempting to conceal who they truly are calling themselves Jews (Obadiah Chapter 1).
The true Israelites are the so called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, according to the bible such as Deuteronomy Chapter 28.
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day. On 15 May 1948, the civil war transformed into a conflict between Israel and the Arab states following the Israeli Declaration of Independence the previous day. Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and expeditionary forces from Iraq entered Palestine. The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements. The 10 months of fighting took place mostly on the territory of the British Mandate and in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon, interrupted by several truce periods. Our enemies came together in Crafty Counsel as the prophecy foretells in the Word of our Heavenly Father; Psalms 83; 2- 12, Psalms 94; 20 – 21, Nehemiah 4; 7 – 8. This is the behavior that our enemies have always came against the true Hebrew Israelites.
As a result of the war, the State of Israel controlled the area that UN General Assembly Resolution 181 had recommended for the proposed Jewish state, as well as almost 60% of the area of Arab state proposed by the 1947 Partition Plan, including the Jaffa, Lydda, and Ramle area, Galilee, some parts of the Negev, a wide strip along the Tel Aviv–Jerusalem road, West Jerusalem, and some territories in the West Bank. Transjordan took control of the remainder of the former British mandate, which it annexed, and the Egyptian military took control of the Gaza Strip. At the Jericho Conference on 1 December 1948, 2,000 Palestinian delegates called for unification of Palestine and Transjordan as a step toward full Arab unity. The conflict triggered significant demographic change throughout the Middle East. Around 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes in the area that became Israel, and they became Palestinian refugees in what they refer to as the Nakba ("the catastrophe"). In the three years following the war, about 700,000 white people masquerading as Hebrew Israelites calling themselves Jews emigrated to Israel. Around 260,000 more white people masquerading as Hebrew Israelites calling themselves Jews colonized Israel from the Arab world during and immediately after the war
Who the Heavenly Father recognizes as the real Israelites (my black Fathers and Mothers) fled Jerusalem in attempts to escape persecution and death as a result of us disobeying our Heavenly Father’s laws and commandments, just as the History and Prophecy of our Heavenly Father explains in Deuteronomy chapter 28, as no other Nation of people came into slavery by ships and suffered the horrors of the prophecy as my Black Nation (the true Hebrew Israelites) My Black Nation Hebrew Israelites fled by foot and crossed from our land, over into the lands that are modern day called Africa, before that man made body of water called the Suez Canal was created that now prevents a foot crossing; both lands used to be all the same connected body of land. As we wondered through foreign lands, we encountered other black folk in Africa (whom the Heavenly Father recognizes as Hamites) whom were not Hebrew Israelites. These Africans (Hamites) were living in error by doing all sort of things such as bathing in cow piss, piercing large plates through their lips, and cutting their skin; all which they still do to this day as their culture. When we attempted to correct them according to the laws and commandments of our Heavenly Father, so that they would live longer and more healthy, they hated correction and joined with our enemy Edomites (white folks) and sold us into slavery.
Esau has always practice death upon the Black Nation the real Israelites, such as murdering our children, particularly the boys; a practice that they observed from Pharoah in the days of Moses when Moses was spared, as our History explains in Exodus Chapter 1. These days they call the murder of our children, Abortion which is pushed and promoted hard on our black women, the real Israelite women all across the world that we are spread in. They murder our black children with their witchcraft vaccines that are designed by their diabolical scientist to affect our Hebrew Israelite children with everything from Autism, sterilization, to death.
The CoronaVirus Scamdemic is another World Wide Lie.
Stolen Identity – Titus 3; 9
• Psalms 83; 2 - 8 - Israel’s Enemies Joined Together in Crafty Counsel Against Israel
• Revelation 2; 9 - Synagogue of Satan
• Revelation 3; 8 - 13 - Synagogue of Satan Can’t Stop the Patient Israelites
Slavery Started
• Exodus Chapter 1 - Israel became Numerous in Egypt • Deuteronomy 28:15 - Brought Back to Slavery by SHIPS
• Baruch 4; 6 - 37 - Why Slavery Started
Coming Out of Slavery
• Zechariah 12; 6 - 10 - What the Men of Israel will become like in the Last Days
History of Other Nations Frustrating Every Attempt of Israel Rebuilding Themselves
• Ezrayah/ Ezra Ch 4 - Enemies Agenda is to Destroy Us While Offering to “Help”
• Nehemiah 4:7 - 9 - Other Nations Frustrating Israel’s Rebuilding Themselves
True Measurement of Time Yahweh Gave Us
Yahchana/John 11; 9 – twelve hours in a day
Genesis 1; 3 – 4/ 1; 19 – Days begin at sunset
Genesis 2; 1 – 3 – seven days in one week
Hadassah/Esther 3; 7 – moons/months in one year
Exodus chapter 12 – New Year begins at Passover/Spring/April
1st moon/month – Nisan – Hadassah/Esther 3; 7
2nd moon/month – Iyyar (Ziv) – 1 Kings 6; 1
3rd moon/month – Sivan – Hadassah/Esther 8; 9
4th moon/month – Tammuz
5th moon/month – AB
6th moon/month – Elul – Nehemyah/Nehimiah 6; 15
7th moon/month –Ethanim – 1 Kings 8; 2
8th moon/month – Bul – 1 Kings 6; 38
9th moon/month – Chislev – Zecharyah/Zechariah 7; 1
10th moon/month – Tebeth – Hadassah/Esther 2; 16
11th moon/month - Sebat - Zecharyah/Zechariah 1; 7
12th moon/month – Adar - Hadassah/Esther 9; 1
7 Days in 1 Week
4 Weeks in 1 Moon
28 Days = 1 Moon
12 Moons = 1 Year
28 * 12 = 336 Days in 1 Year Not 365
365 - 336 = 29
29 Days Exaggerated every year in the Gregorian Calendar
Deduct 29 days from every year that you are old to get your true age according to God..
For instance: Born in 1077, I'm 46 years old according to the Gregorian Calendar. But accordding to the True Measurment of Time that our Heavenly Father gives us, I'm 42; 4 years younger than I was misled to beleive. The whole world can apply this formula to discover their true age. The whole world can apply this formula to become awakened to where we truely are in time.
The Heavenly Father recognizes all humans by a certain name (all given in his Word the Bible), not the names that humans have given themselves, in attempts to hide their true identity.
John 10:1-18. As the Word of my Heavenly Father says, “The Devil Kills, Steals, and Destroys”, remember these characteristics.
Esua the Edomites are the only people who are Destroying the Whole Earth and Every Living Thing on Earth.
1. Only Esua the Edomites have caused Whole Species of Animals to become extinct from deliberate pollution and even the hateful game of killing animals. Between 1970 and 2014, Earth lost nearly 83% decline of its mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians, almost all of it due to Esua the Edomite’s activity. The rate at which Earth is losing its biodiversity is comparable only to the mass extinctions.
2. Only Esua the Edomites have Destroyed Whole Forest (the lungs of the Earth which cures polluted air) and the home to numerous species of plants and animals. Destroyed 83% of Wildlife and Half of All Plants on Earth. Of all the birds which are left on the planet, about 70% are poultry chickens and other farmed birds. And out of the mammals that are left in the world, about 60% are livestock, 36% are pigs, and a mere 4% are wild and marine mammals have plunged by 80% over the 21st century. On a global scale, the area of minimally disturbed forests declined by 92 million hectares between 2000 and 2013
3. Only Esua the Edomites have even Destroyed the Soil of the Earth with their GMO seeds. When the GMO seeds are planted into the dirt, no natural seeds can be planted there any longer. So now the humans of the world is forced into buying the beast’s GMO tainted foods to live, which in return causes the humans all sorts of health problems. Though Esua the Edomites discourage the other humans from using natural foods and herbs to help heal the world’s health problems by making laws against any food/herbs promoted and/or used to medicate/treat/cure any sickness or disease if it isn’t part of their Pharmaceutical Witchcrafts by definition.
4. Only Esua the Edomites have Polluted all of the Earth’s Waters, from all 4 corners of the Earth’s Oceans, to even the rivers, lakes, and underground springs of the lands. Then they continue their deliberate evil by creating laws making it illegal for you to collect the Heavenly Father’s clean, pure, and free rain water for you to live, and forced into purchasing Easu the Edomite’s polluted water.
5. Esua the Edomites have Polluted the Earth’s Air and are responsible for releasing 100 billion tonnes of carbon into the Earth’s air every 5 years since 2020. Only 25% of land on Earth is substantively free of the impacts of Esua the Edomite’s activities. This is projected to decline to just 10% by 2050.
6. White People are whom the Heavenly Father recognizes as Easu the Edomites (the Devil that the Bible speaks of), not the names that they have given themselves such as American, Russian, German, Australian, Spaniard, or those Edomites who call themselves Jews living under a stolen identity.
Identity and Curse of Esau (white people)
• Genesis 25; 21 – 34 - Birth of Jacob an Esau with Easu’s Curse
• Genesis 27; 38 – 46 - Isaac Blesses Esau
• Genesis – Chapter 36 Identity of Esau
• 1 Kings 11; 14 – 22 - Esau was a Slave in this Day
• 2 Chronicles 21; 5 - 10 - Edomites Revolt from Dominion of Judah
• Job 30; 1 - 9 - Edomites
• Yahyl/ Joel Chapter 3; 19 - Yahweh Curses Easu
• Obadiah Chapter 1 - Yahweh Condemns Easu
• Romans 9; 12 – 13 - Yahweh Says Jacob he Loves but Easu Yahweh Hates
• 2 Thessalonians 2; 3 - 4 - The man of Evil won't be revealed until we fall away
• Hebrew 12; 16 - Don’t be Profane like Easu
Edomites hate true history because it Exposes True Terrorist Living in Amerikkka Plain View Today
The Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones was on the front lines, assaulting, spitting, hitting rock throwing, and every other hateful, racist thing only evil hearts can imagine, during the Historic Chest Move Made in Attempts to Destroy the Real Israelites in the 1957 Public School Intergration to miseducate the real Israelites; the so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans.
These evil racist people are still here, not only their children, but the actual violent, murderous, terrorist people themselves are still here, attempting to pass Critical Race Theory laws to not teach the true history of Amerikkka which exposes these same judges, lawyers, doctors, school teachers, ect.. even in old photographs in their terrorist KKK suits murdering black men, women, and children.
These are the same terrorist who find themselves not guilty for all their evil, and has no place in Heaven or to be a moral police to anyone. Separate yourselves from these people, or the Heavenly Father is going to destroy you with your OPPRESSOR. Where is Jerry Jones world apology, for the Holocaust he inflicted upon my people. Boycott every single person and Company discovered to haves hands on the oppression and enslavement of my people; the real Israelites.
Our Heavenly Father tell us, NEVER TRUST YOUR ENEMY/OPPRESSOR - Ecclesiaticus/Sirach 12; 10 - 18
Martin Luther King didn't write his own "I Have a Dream" speech by himself. Martin's "I Have a Dream" Speech was written by his advisers Stanley Levison, and many white folks, whom our Heavenly Father recognizes as our enemy Esau (the Devil the Bible speaks of Revelations 2; 9). God also tells us to Never trust our oppressor/enemy (Ecclesiaticus/Sirach 12; 10 - 18).
Only fools and slaves allow their oppressor/enemy to educate them as the oppressed. I would be a fool to allow my oppressor/enemy to teach me my own history, morals, or anything about my Heavenly Father, which is exclusively my own inheritance from God as a real Israelite, whom are the so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans former slaves. You real Israelites, stop being fooled by these doofus, sewer rat, cave people Edomites (so-called white folks). Some even calling themselves Jews, but are Amalek, the smallest tribe of the Esau.
Nothing your oppressor gives to you is to your benefit; Someway, Somehow the "gift" will have a curse connected to it.
Deuteronomy 28; 15 - 63
Stolen Identity – Titus 3; 9
• Psalms 83; 2 - 8 - Israel’s Enemies Joined Together in Crafty Counsel Against Israel
• Revelation 2; 9 - Synagogue of Satan
• Revelation 3; 8 - 13 - Synagogue of Satan Can’t Stop the Patient Israelites
Identity and Curse of Esau (white people)
• Genesis 25; 21 – 34 - Birth of Jacob an Esau with Easu’s Curse
• Genesis 27; 38 – 46 - Isaac Blesses Esau
• Genesis – Chapter 36 Identity of Esau
• 1 Kings 11; 14 – 22 - Esau was a Slave in this Day
• 2 Chronicles 21; 5 - 10 - Edomites Revolt from Dominion of Judah
• Job 30; 1 - 9 - Edomites
• Yahyl/ Joel Chapter 3; 19 - Yahweh Curses Easu
• Obadiah Chapter 1 - Yahweh Condemns Easu
• Romans 9; 12 – 13 - Yahweh Says Jacob he Loves but Easu Yahweh Hates
• 2 Thessalonians 2; 3 - 4 - The man of Evil won't be revealed until we fall away
• Hebrew 12; 16 - Don’t be Profane like Easu
The Real Israelites are the so called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans (former slaves)
The standard Hebrew spoken today was developed by a so called white man named Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, based on Mishnaic spelling and Sephardi Hebrew pronunciation.
The Hebrew spoken today is a broken mutt language developed by nations not Israelites and the so called Hebrew language today is tainted with Yiddish and other foreign gibberish.
This so-called white boy born in Russia 1922, the father of the Hebrew language that many of our people have been deceived to follow.
He died about 20 years before his imposter language was adopted as official language of the fake Jews.
I have 3 books published that I Sell to the whole world speaking about these many history facts that you can also find on my website that I also designed as well as I write books.
These so called white folks are who our Heavenly Father recognize as Esau. These Edomites falsely hold themselves to be the real Jews, living under a stolen identity, living in a stolen land. As the Holy Scriptures say:
Revelation 2: 9
Stolen Identity – Titus 3; 9
• Psalms 83; 2 - 8 - Israel’s Enemies Joined Together in Crafty Counsel Against Israel
• Revelation 2; 9 - Synagogue of Satan
• Revelation 3; 8 - 13 - Synagogue of Satan Can’t Stop the Patient Israelites
Identity and Curse of Esau (white people)
• Genesis 25; 21 – 34 - Birth of Jacob an Esau with Easu’s Curse
• Genesis 27; 38 – 46 - Isaac Blesses Esau
• Genesis – Chapter 36 Identity of Esau
• 1 Kings 11; 14 – 22 - Esau was a Slave in this Day
• 2 Chronicles 21; 5 - 10 - Edomites Revolt from Dominion of Judah
• Job 30; 1 - 9 - Edomites
• Yahyl/ Joel Chapter 3; 19 - Yahweh Curses Easu
• Obadiah Chapter 1 - Yahweh Condemns Easu
• Romans 9; 12 – 13 - Yahweh Says Jacob he Loves but Easu Yahweh Hates
• 2 Thessalonians 2; 3 - 4 - The man of Evil won't be revealed until we fall away
• Hebrew 12; 16 - Don’t be Profane like Easu
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